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 XT-100 offers high-resolution electrical delay based on the Electromechanical Trombone delay line structure.  The base model XT-100-625.0PS offers total delay from 0 to 625.0 ps and signal input bandwidth from DC to 18 GHz. Add models in the series offer up to 100 ns of delay or more depending on customer requirements.  Typical models with delay extensions are at 1.25 nanosecionds (ns), 10.0 ns, and 20.0 ns of total delay

The base model XT-100-625.0PS offers total delay from 0 to 625.0 ps and signal input bandwidth from DC to 18 GHz. Additional models in the series offer up to 100 ns of delay or more depending on customer requirements.  Typical models with delay extensions are at 1.25 nanosecionds (ns), 10.0 ns, and 20.0 ns of total delay.


An internal stepper motor produces precise delay steps with a resolution to 0.5 ps when operated in series connected single channel mode. The patented Electro-Mechanical Trombone design has an outstanding operational lifetime with a recommended service interval of 500,000 operations. Precision and accuracy is to 0.1%, ± 0.2 ps.


In the standard set-up (series connected), two identical 312.5 pstrombone sections are connected in series via a short semi-rigid coaxial cable accessible at the front panel. The series connected configuration provides a full delay range of 625.0 ps with 0.50 ps step resolution. Alternatively, if the short semi-rigid coaxial cable is removed to single channel (parallel connected) operation, two very tightly phase matched delay lines are available each with a total delay range of 312.50 ps and a higher resolution of 0.25 ps.

The XT-100 is fully programmable via  Ethernet TCP/IP, RS-232 Serial interfaces + Web Browser Interface or via the optional Microterminal (MT-100A). At 18 GHz, the frequency roll-off is typically less than 1.0 dB. Customers have used this delay line for digital applications up to 40 Gb/s NRZ with excellent results. This delay line is unmatched in performance, resolution, and repeatability by any competing product on the market.

XT-100 Specifications

Delay Type Electro-mechanical Trombone
Resolution 0.50 ps
Delay Range 625.0 ps
Total Phase Shift Resolution per 1.0 GHz 225° at 625 ps / 0.18°
Frequency Range DC to 18.0 GHz
Data Rate DC to 40 Gb/s DC
Delay at 0 ns 1.60 ns
Connectivity  Ethernet TCP/IP and RS-232 + Web Browser Interface
Power Handling 10W CW, 50W peak
Repeatability 0.2 ps maximum
Recommended Service Interval 500K operations
Maximum Settling Time 6500 ms
Recommended Operating Temperature +10° C to 30° C.
Absolute Accuracy 0.1%, 0.03 ps SD
Physical Dimensions (approx) 13.375" L x 12.875" W x 5.625" H (3U Tall)
Physical Weight 4.8 kg+



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電話:886-2-2289-3058 傳真:886-2-2289-1909

